Colin More
Colin More, originally from Canada, works as a Software Developer at NAPA Finland. Colin’s area of expertise is in fluid mechanics, and he is specifically interested in fluid dynamics in shipping. “The fact that it is all geared towards energy saving and what generally would be good for the environment resonates with me because, as cliché that may sound, I would like to help the world be a better place,” Colin says.
“I want to do meaningful things with cool people.”
In addition to his core job role in software development, Colin has participated in the strategy work and research projects of NAPA, both of which he really enjoyed. The strategy work gave him an opportunity to impact and influence, whereas the research projects allowed him to work with not only Naparians but with the other professionals within the maritime industry, too. All this amounts to the potential to do great things and develop a good environment for innovations, explains Colin.

Colin More, Software Developer
When asked about the attractive qualities of a workplace, Colin brings up the fact that everything is in English at NAPA. “The whole company genuinely operates in the English language, which is a relief for a non-native person like me, to be honest. “My colleagues were really friendly from the first interview onwards, and since then they have further turned out to be helpful and collaborative as well,” Colin sums up.
NAPA’s organizational culture is relaxed and “non-stressy”, describes Colin. There is time to think properly and consider things in the long term. “Finding yourself in a sauna between the old CEO and the new CEO in a company party is just not something that would happen in Canada.”, Colin chuckles on the quirks of his new country.
In talking about the reasons Colin initially wanted to venture life outside his native Canada, Colin says he was drawn by the adventure of it all. Living outside your domestic surroundings essentially teaches you about yourself and about life. Colin ponders that communication is so easy these days that the physical location has lost its significance to a degree. He adds that one of the highlights of the work culture in Finland and at NAPA is that the work-life balance is well respected here. One of the most memorable experiences for Colin so far has been swimming in the lake on a summer night.
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