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Virgin Voyages sails with NAPA Permit to Work

Digital work permits: Learn how Virgin Voyages uses NAPA’s new permit-to-work system to enhance safety and streamline maintenance operations on board its ships.

Marco Carsjens, Fleet Captain, Virgin Voyages, says: “We have a long-standing relationship with NAPA that is built on mutual trust, and we were very excited to participate in the development of this product. NAPA Permit to Work is definitely a tool that will make the life of officers and crew onboard our ships much easier, as it is a cornerstone for safe working practices. 

“With open dialogue and feedback, we have seen the tangible benefits of digitalization and automation with digital tools that can be customized and tailored to our needs. NAPA Permit to Work will further this positive trajectory and allow our crew to feel supported and assured in their decision-making and safety.” 

Edited excerpts of the above interview:

I was thrilled when NAPA approached me for input on a new digital work permits system. This tool is designed to complement our existing NAPA suite of applications, such as NAPA Fleet Intelligence, NAPA Logbook, and NAPA Decision Support System. NAPA Permit to Work will be a vital tool that simplifies processes and improves safety for our officers and crew on board.

Digital permit to work - NAPA Permit to work

Streamlining safety and efficiency with digital work permits

Digital work permits are crucial for maintaining safe working practices on our ships. Traditionally, permits involved a lot of paperwork. It also involves moving forms around, collecting signatures, and going back and forth to get all the necessary approvals. The new digital work permits system by NAPA digitizes this process, eliminating the extra time spent on manual procedures. It ensures more accurate data and simplifies monitoring.

Real-Time monitoring with digitalized process

With the digital work permits system, watchkeepers on the bridge or in the engine control room can instantly see which permits are active, which ones are still open, and which are about to expire and need attention. This digital approach offers a clearer, more accessible source of information than the traditional paper-based methods.

Collaborating to develop digital and automation tools

I was excited to contribute to the development, along with many colleagues from other companies, sharing our ideas on how we wanted the system to function. NAPA’s collaborative approach is one of its key strengths. They actively seek feedback to ensure their products meet real-world needs. My colleagues on the ships, from various levels, also had the opportunity to provide input. The result is a digital work permits system that is well-suited for our industry.

I believe this new system will be an excellent tool for enhancing safety and operational efficiency on board.

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