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Tag: Fleet Intelligence


Surf along with the Kuroshio current on the Pacific

by Kimmo Laaksonen, Director, Product Development, NAPA Shipping Solutions Ocean currents are relatively stable, so you would think ships know how to take advantage of them or avoid sailing against a strong ocean current, right? To find out how well ships accounted for currents, we took a year of tanker voyages crossing the Pacific to […]

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Neste increases sustainability with NAPA Voyage Optimization

Sustainable fuel supplier Neste Corporation achieves a significant increase in fuel efficiency and subsequent reduction in emissions using NAPA Voyage Optimization software Neste Corporation Neste is an advanced refiner of high-quality, sustainable oil products from renewable sources and the world’s largest renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel producer. It aims to help its customers reduce […]

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Why dodging ECAs doesn’t always pay off

by Claus Stigler, Product Owner of NAPA Voyage Optimization, NAPA Shipping Solutions Emission Control Areas (ECAs) are sea areas with stricter limits to airborne emissions from ships as ruled in MARPOL regulations. There are Emission Control Areas on many coastal seas worldwide: the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the English Channel, the North American ECA, […]

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NAPA joins Finnish Clean Propulsion Technologies consortium to accelerate development of low-carbon solutions in shipping

The consortium brings together leading academic bodies and industry experts to bolster Finland’s leadership in developing low-carbon technologies for shipping and off-road transport Helsinki, Finland – 8 April 2021 NAPA, the leading maritime software, services and data analysis provider has announced its participation in the Clean Propulsion Technologies project (CPT), a consortium led by the […]

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Five tips for better routing: Insights on safer and more fuel-efficient sea passages

Are there some typical patterns for poor routing? How much could be saved by optimizing a route? To find out, we combined NAPA’s voyage planning technology with historical data of the global merchant fleet. By retro-optimizing past voyages, we found where the most potential for better routing is. The findings are collected in this guidebook […]

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NAPA, MOL, and ClassNK agree to joint further development for a comprehensive navigational risk monitoring system

The grounding risk monitoring system, based on the NAPA Fleet Intelligence platform, has proven successful in its proof-of-concept stage and will provide new capabilities for mitigating and monitoring navigational risks   Helsinki, Finland and Tokyo, Japan 25 March 2021 – NAPA, the leading maritime software, service and data analysis provider, alongside leading classification society, ClassNK, […]

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NAPA, MOL, and ClassNK co-operate on a new vessel grounding risk monitoring software

MOL is taking part in proof-of-concept for the grounding risk monitoring system using the NAPA Fleet Intelligence platform, aiming to reduce the risk of vessel grounding and increase operational safety across the maritime industry NAPA, MOL, and ClassNK issued a joint press release originally in Japanese on December 21, 2020. See the original version here. […]

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NAPA tackles grounding risk with Big Data in the FLARE project

by Teemu Manderbacka, Lead R&D Engineer, NAPA Shipping Solutions How can Big Data help us understand – and, importantly avoid – grounding accidents? To answer this question and more, NAPA is participating in the FLARE project, a European Commission-funded collaboration between key stakeholders from industry, academia, and policymakers, involved in ship flooding risk research. FLARE […]

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Voyage Planning for MR Tankers – achieving average 15.9% emission savings with better routing!

by Kimmo Laaksonen, Director, Product Development, NAPA Shipping Solutions We see many claims on the potential emissions, fuel, and money savings shipowners and operators who have invested in voyage optimization solutions can make – claims that often vary considerably. So, how much can you really save by optimizing a route? And how can you work […]

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The FLARE project: a journey to increased passenger ship safety

by Teemu Manderbacka and Markus Tompuri At the end of 2019 we partnered with industry leaders as part of the European Commission-funded FLARE project with the aim of increasing passenger ship safety. Since then, our safety and shipping experts have been leading its Flooding Accident Response team. Primarily this has involved developing a risk-based methodology […]

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