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Tag: Regulations


CII in practice: The value of being proactive

Welcome to the CII era, where a ship’s operational carbon efficiency will impact its competitiveness and business prospects. While much uncertainty remains, the good news is that the technology and practical tools needed to enable shipowners and charterers to successfully manage their CII already exist in the form of simulation and data analysis tools. The […]

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NAPA, Norsepower and Sumitomo study finds average CO2 emissions reduction potential of up to 28% using rotor sails and voyage optimization

Joint simulation project among NAPA, Norsepower and Sumitomo analyzes the benefits of combining wind propulsion with voyage optimization to deliver maximum emissions reduction potential. Helsinki, Finland, 30 May 2023; NAPA, a maritime software and data services expert, Norsepower, the global provider of auxiliary wind propulsion systems, and Sumitomo Heavy Industries Marine & Engineering Co., Ltd. […]

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NAPA calls for a proactive approach to CII as it launches CII Simulator tool

NAPA’s new simulation tool will enable greater charter party collaboration and emissions reductions, by predicting CII and modeling impact of potential efficiency measures. Helsinki, Finland – 21 March 2023: Global maritime software and data services provider NAPA has urged the shipping industry to take a proactive approach to the IMO’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), making […]

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Let’s talk rubbish: what MEPC79 means for garbage, ballast and carbon

Finding ways to cut GHG emissions are at the top of everyone’s agendas, but this isn’t the only way to make long-term progress towards sustainability in the industry. Garbage disposal, ballast water management and, of course, cutting carbon emissions were widely discussed at the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 79) recently. To […]

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NAPA Stand Talk at SMM 2022: How to improve your vessels’ CII rating?

At SMM 2022 in Hamburg, NAPA’s Henrik Grönlund and Philippos Giannakos discussed how ship owners and operators could improve their vessel’s CII rating. Watching the video, you will find out: What the similarities and differences are between CII and EEXI How much weather routing and optimizing voyages can improve the CII rating A case example […]

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NAPA, ClassNK and Marubeni to collaborate on fleet-wide study of EEXI and CII’s effect on operations

NAPA and ClassNK will work together with Marubeni to evaluate potential fuel savings achievable through voyage optimization, and compare adaptation strategies Helsinki, Finland and Tokyo, Japan – April 11, 2022: NAPA, the leading maritime software, services, and data analysis provider, will work with leading class society ClassNK and Japanese general trading company Marubeni to assess […]

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Decarbonization in the maritime industry – What it is, and what you can do about it?

In 2023, several new maritime regulations will come into effect, targeting to cut emissions from Shipping. EEXI, CII, EU ETS, ETD, and FuelEU Maritime are among these regulations. Wow, that’s a bunch of acronyms! This NAPA guidebook will shed light on what these acronyms mean, explain the basics of these new regulations, and share some […]

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How the Fit For 55 legislation will affect the shipping industry – and how you can prepare

What is ‘Fit For 55’? In July 2021, the EU Commission published an extensive legislative proposal package called ‘Fit For 55’ as part of its larger European Green Deal, which aims to make the EU carbon-neutral by 2050. The Fit For 55 package contains 12 items that, in conjunction, aim to reduce EU greenhouse gas […]

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MDC uses NAPA design software to propel innovative eco-vessel design

By using NAPA software for modeling, geometry, and to calculate ship stability, MDC can efficiently and accurately produce designs for a diverse range of vessels and support its clients with complex clean technology retrofit projects. The ro-ro cargo vessel SC Connector retrofitted with Norsepower’s Rotor Sails (Image: Marine Design and Consulting AS) Background Marine Design […]

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How to navigate CII: what it is and how you can stay compliant

by Ossi Mettälä, Customer Success Manager, NAPA Shipping Solutions In 2018, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) established its greenhouse gas (GHG) strategy in response to mounting pressure for climate action following the Paris Agreement. In the IMO’s initial strategy, the most crucial level of ambition is related to the carbon intensity of ships, which must […]

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